Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Producing ‘innovative’ graduates and how online learning can help

Avvisati, F., Jacotin, G., and Vincent-Lacrin, S. (2013) Educating Higher Education Students for Innovative Economies: What International Data Tells Us, Tuning Journal for Higher...

Productivity and online learning redux

Summarizing the previous posts In previous posts (see end of this post), I tried to identify a range of areas where online learning might enable...

Improving productivity in online learning: can we scale ‘the learning that matters most’?

The story so far This is a continuation of the discussion on whether online learning can increase educational ‘productivity.’ Previous posts in this series include: Technology,...

Alternative ways to improve productivity through online learner-content interaction

In this post, I attempt to examine what Sanjay Sharma of MIT calls 'the magic of the campus', how at least some of this...

Tom Carey’s reflections on the HEQCO report on online learning and productivity: 2 –...

Carey, T., & Trick, D. (2013). How Online Learning Affects Productivity, Cost and Quality in Higher Education: An Environmental Scan and Review of the...

Conference on science education at Western University

I was at the Western Conference on Science Education on July 10-11. I gave a a public lecture on designing teaching for 21st century...

MOOCs, MIT and Magic

MOOC panel: Dan Hastings, Anant Agarwal, Tony Bates, Sanjay Sarma, John Daniel In my previous post, there were two sessions at the LINC 2013 conference...

No. 8 aha moment: web 2.0 will change everything in online learning

This is the ninth (and last) in a series of posts about the most seminal ‘discoveries’ in my researching and working in educational technology,...

No. 4 aha moment: Computers for communication, not as teaching machines

This is the fourth in a series of posts about the most seminal ‘discoveries’ in my researching and working in educational technology, where I...

Online learning in California generates controversy

Booker, E. (2013) Online education policy draws fire in California Information Week: Education, January 11 This report of a one-day conference at UCLA: 'Rebooting Higher Education:...