Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Book review: Research, Writing and Creative Process in Open and Distance Learning

Conrad, D. (ed.) (2023) Research, Writing and Creative Process in Open and Distance Education: Tales from the Field Cambridge UK: Open Book Publishers Overview This is...

Two useful briefings on generative AI: and why it is potentially dangerous for public...

Davis, V.L. (2023) WCET Primer for Higher Education: General Brief on Generative AI Boulder, CO: WCET If you are not a member of WCET, I...

Third edition of Teaching at a Distance is now published

The third edition of Teaching in a Digital Age is now available from here: https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/teachinginadigitalagev3m/ I have exported in several formats and made it public....

How to address the skills agenda in higher education: a German perspective

Ehlers, U-D. (2020) Future Skills: the future of learning and higher education Karlsruhe, Germany: Herstellung und Verlag, pp. 311 What is this book about? This free,...

Post-Pandemic Lesson 5. COVID-19 resulted in innovative teaching, but will it stick?

This is the fifth of 10 Lessons from a Post-Pandemic World. For the other nine, click here. “…we need to take a more holistic approach,...

Using virtual reality to study interactive molecular dynamics

Morales, A. (2018) How Virtual Reality Can Change The Way We See Our Molecular World, Forbes, 25 July O'Connor, M. et al. (2018) Sampling molecular conformations...

Automation or empowerment: online learning at the crossroads

You are probably, like me, getting tired of the different predictions for 2016. So I’m not going to do my usual look forward for...

Book review: A History of the Open University

Weinbren, D. (2105) The Open University: A History Manchester: Manchester University Press/The Open University, 274 pp + notes, £18.99, C$31.61, US$22.30 (paperback edition) Why you...

Last chapter of Teaching in a Digital Age now published

Chapter 12, Supporting teachers and instructors in a digital age, the last chapter of my online, open textbook for teachers and instructors, Teaching in...

Seeking the unique pedagogical characteristics of social media

Social media are still in a very volatile state of development, and many faculty worry about the negative aspects of students who are continually...