A review of online learning in 2020
2020: Goodbye - and don't come back
What a terrible year. 1.63 million horrible, choking deaths from the coronavirus, and 73 million infected to date....
Why sex is more fun than swotting: further discussion on asynchronous vs synchronous learning
Binary thinking
There are two kinds of people: those who divide people into two groups; and those who don't. Both humans and computers seem more...
Students’ responses to remote learning in the fall: Top Hat survey
Top Hat (2020) Higher Ed Students Grade the Fall 2020 Semester, Top Hat (accessed November 19, no published date)
Top Hat is an online publisher...
Free online modules for k-12 teachers on how to teach online
Following on from my post yesterday about the lack of training for k-12 teachers in how to teach online during the pandemic, I am...
10 Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World from Covid-19 for Canadian universities and colleges
2020: Resilience and adaptability
“Canada responded amazingly well to the challenge of adapting to an existential threat to its post-secondary education system. The system...
Why school boards need to listen to online learning professionals
Guzman, Y. (2020) Students miss out and teachers feel overwhelmed as school boards blend in-person and virtual classes The Globe and Mail, November 1
The importance of ‘intangibles’ in teaching and learning
I'm going to raise a fundamental epistemological issue here about how we know things to be true. This starts off fairly abstractly but like...
Why, ‘logically’, online learning is superior to face-to-face teaching
The issue
I came to this conclusion in the middle of the night by worrying at the distinction between synchronous and asynchronous learning. (Yeah, I...
Defining blended learning: Farmer’s theory-based models
Farmer, H. (2020) 6 Models for Blended Synchronous and Asynchronous Online Course Delivery, EDUCAUSE Review, 18 August
Multiple models
I have argued elsewhere that blended learning...
What is the difference between competencies, skills and learning outcomes – and does it...
Bumping into neighbours outside a branch public library can sometimes stimulate a lot of thought. I ran into a fellow consultant (our neighbourhood is...