Are Learning Management Systems obsolete? Some questions
In an earlier blog about Blackboard buying out Angel Learning Systems, I dropped the throwaway comment:
'I suspect that by the time all the legal...
Blackboard Inc buys Angel Learning
Carter, D. (2009) Blackboard-Angel deal gives pause to some eSchool News, May 7
The latest on LMS wars. Even less choice of commercial software now....
Take a Walk on the Wired Side
Weir, R. (2009) Take a Walk on the Wired Side Inside Higher Education, May 11
Some good, practical advice for instructors considering teaching an online...
Teaching Courses Online: A Review of the Research
Tallent-Runnels, M. et al. (2006) Review of Educational Research, Vol. 76, No. 1, pp. 93-135
Abstract: This literature review summarizes research on online teaching and...
ICT-based Learning Designs
Learning designs: products of the AUTC project on ICT-based learning designs
'The term learning design is used by this project ...
Why ICTs are mission-critical for post-secondary institutions
This is the second of three blogs that examine some basic assumptions about technology and education, based on a review of three books: 'THE...
Are We Ready to Use Wikipedia to Teach Writing?
Cummings, R. (2009) Are We Ready to Use Wikipedia to Teach Writing? Inside Higher Education, March 12
An interesting article about the use of Wikipedia,...
Microlectures in online courses
Shieh, D. (2009) These Lectures Are Gone in 60 Seconds: Minute-long talks find success at a community college Chronicle of Higher Education, March 6
WCET Spring 2009 Webcast Series
WCET Spring 2009 Webcast Series: Bringing professional development to your doorstep!
Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications has a long history of excellent research and consultancy...
New distance teaching skills course launched in China
Open University Worldwide (2009) New distance teaching skills course launched in China In Partnership Feb (Note: not available online)
The Open University (U.K.) and the...