Friday, March 14, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Reigning in costs with online learning

Bassis, M. (2009) Reigning in college costs Businessweek, December 21 This is a useful article, from the President of Westminster College, Salt Lake City, to...

Are e-books at the tipping point?

Johnson, T. (2009) Electronic text books set to take over? University Affairs, December 7 An interesting article that explores the pros and cons of e-books,...

Management innovation and online higher education

Hampson, K. (2009) Part 2: Management Innovation and Online Higher Education Higher Education Management Group, May 25, 2009 I've just caught up with this excellent...

Special report on virtual schools

Van Dusen, C. (2009) eSN Special Report: Beyond the Virtual School eSchool News, Nov 1 Because of the volume of stuff that comes through my...

Special report on learning with 3-D video

Stansbury, M. (2009) eSN Special report: Learning in 3D eSchool News, December 11 Will three-dimensional video be the next flavour of the month in educational...

R2D2: A model for using technology in education

Bonk, C. (2009) R2D2: A model for using technology in education eSchool News, December 11 For all you Luke Skywalkers and Princess Leias in e-learning,...

Online teaching improves classroom teaching

Kolowich, S. (2009) Learning from online Inside Higher Education, December 7 Well, duh! I'm sure that anyone with instructional design experience who has worked with...

Managing curriculum change

JISC (2009) Managing curriculum change Bristol UK: JISC Another interesting publication from the UK's Joint Information Steering Committee . This is a short (6 page) well-illustrated...

Just damned good teaching

Kolowich, S. (2009) Professors of the Year Inside Higher Education, November 19 This article has nothing to do with e-learning, but it does discuss effective...

Carnegie Mellon's Open Learning Initiative

Carter, D. (2009) Program goes beyond open course model eSchool News, September 16 Parry, M. (2009) Obama's Great Course Giveaway Chronicle of Higher Education, August...