A personal view of e-learning at the University of British Columbia
The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (home of OLT)
It's now seven years since I resigned as Director of Distance Education and Technology at UBC,...
Is your institution considering mobile learning?
Brimah, T. and Fusch, D. (2010) Considering mobile learning for your institution Academic Impressions Higher Ed Impact: Weekly Analysis January 28
This article, basically an...
Review of e-learning possibilities and limitations of Apple’s iPad
Brandon, B. (2010) Apple's iPad: what does it offer for e-learning? Learning Solutions Magazine January 27
I was wondering how to comment on the iPad...
Latest issue of IRRODL
Mea culpa, but in the preparations for the holiday season, I let slide by my report on the publication of the latest edition (Vol....
Do you know your online student really exists?
Parry, M. (2010) Online Scheme Highlights Fears About Distance-Education Fraud The Chronicle of Higher Education, January 14
Every once in a while comes along a...
Has the credit hour become a relic?
Blumenstyck, G. (2010) Beyond the Credit Hour: Old Standards Don't Fit New Models Chronicle of Higher Education, January 3
Blumenstyck writes:
In the era of distance...
An operational data management program for UNHCR
Connonwealth of Learning (2009) An operational data management program for UNHCR Connections, October
An article on a blended learning/distance model for building skills among United...
Journal of Educational Technology and Society: Vol. 12, No.4
The latest issue of "Journal of Educational Technology & Society" is now available on the ETS Journal Web Site.
This issue contains 12 selected papers...
More on the Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative
Kolowich, S. (2009) Hybrid education 2.0 Inside Higher Education, December 28
An interesting article that provides more information about the Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative,...
New edition of the Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education
The TOJDE is always an interesting compilation of papers by researchers mainly from outside the Western Anglo-Saxon culture. Volume: 11 Number: 1 can be...