Analysing the pedagogical affordances of video
We WILL Fix Climate Change, United Nations (click on image to see video)
I'm busy revising my online, open textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age,...
Getting into the online learning industry
Lynch, M. (2022) Do You Have the Skills to Succeed in the Online Learning Industry? The Tech Edvocate, April 11
Three years ago, I wrote a blog post...
Discussing the strengths and weaknesses of synchronous or asynchronous teaching
The context
I am continuing the process of updating the third version of my open textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age, to take account of...
The role of open universities post-Covid
Anadolu University
Anadolu University in Turkey is nominated by the Turkish Higher Degree Act of 1981 as the national provider of distance education. Enrollment in...
Defining quality and online learning
The issue
Institutions are struggling to define online or digital learning for their students. In particular, students need to know whether a course requires attendance...
Book review: Teaching in the Post Covid-19 Era
Fayed, I. and Cummings, J. (2021) Teaching in the Post Covid 19 Era Springer: Cham, Switzerland, 764 pp
This is a longish post - you...
Has online learning gone backwards because of the pandemic?
Back to the classroom model
I was recently struck by a comment my former colleague Diana Laurillard made in a podcast for Mark Nichols' excellent...
Investigating Indigenous learners’ experience of online learning
Davey, R.C.E. (2019) "It will never be my first choice to do an online course": Examining Experiences of Indigenous Learners Online in Canadian Post-Secondary...
More on lecture-based online learning for Teaching in a Digital Age
Wow, thanks to several readers for some great and speedy feedback on Discussing classroom-type online learning, a revision for the third edition of Teaching...
Discussing classroom-type online learning
I am slowly working on the third edition of Teaching in a Digital Age. I have added a section to the first chapter on...