More on epistemology, course design and e-learning
I was recently asked three excellent questions by Elizabeth O'Neill, of EducationDynamics.
How does e-learning lend itself to specific epistemologies or pedagogies (e.g. social constructivism...
Evolution or revolution?
Another report from the B.C. Educational Technology Users Workshop in Victoria, June 5-6.
My keynote on strategic thinking about e-learning argued strongly for a 'revolutionary'...
The future of instructional design – or my heart belongs to ADDIE
On Sunday, I attended a very interesting meeting of about 50 instructional designers (what is a good collective noun for instructional designers?) from across...
Instructional design networking event, British Columbia
“Just Instructional Design” is an instructional design networking event taking place on June 6th in Victoria, BC, at Camosun College (Lansdowne Campus). This event...
Preliminary book review: An Introduction to Distance Education
Cleveland-Innes, M. and Garrison, R. (eds.) 2010 An Introduction to Distance Education: Understanding Teaching and Learning in a New Era New York/Abingdon UK: Routledge
Educational affordances of the iPad
For a very quick and preliminary review of possible educational uses or affordances of the Apple iPad, see Elliott Masie's 10 minute video at:...
What do instructors need to know about teaching with technology?
I believe that we will see no real innovation, no fundamental change, in post-secondary education, at least from within, unless all instructors have basic...
Special IRRODL edition on connectivism: articles wanted
IRRODL (the International Review of Research on Open and Distance Learning) is now requesting contributions for peer review and possible publication in an upcoming...
Can you move classroom courses online quickly and cheaply?
In a previous post, Will lecture capture replace asynchronous distance learning, I wrote:
I come from a background where distance education courses are specifically...
Mini-series on e-portfolios and personal learning environments
Graham Attwell is running a thoughtful min-series of blogs on this topic. See:
Attwell, G. (2009) e-portfolios-WTF Pontydysgu: Bridge to Learning, September 4
Attwell, G. (2010)...