Teaching science via remote control
Stacey, P. (2011) Teaching science online Musings on the Ed Tech Frontier, October 6
This is a fascinating article about using remote web-based science labs...
IRRODL, Vol. 12. No. 6: an evolving web-based journal
Vol. 12, No. 6 of the International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning continues to evolve the concept of the online, web-based journal.
Videos on Learning 2.0
The European Links-up Project interviewed five experts on Learning 2.0 at the recent EDEN Annual Conference in Dublin. The experts were asked three questions:
Workshop on re-designing large courses
Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) and the National Center for Academic Transformation (NCAT) are co-sponsoring Getting Started on Course Redesign, a seminar for those...
Should Apple pander to (higher) education?
Joshua Kim in his always interesting blog for Inside Higher Education wrote:
We'd be overjoyed If Apple created teaching apps, or even a full online...
Blackboard Collaborate 11: a step forward in synchronous learning (or plus ça change….)
Audio-graphics, 1983
I first got involved in audio-graphics in 1980 (yes, that's right, 31 years ago - I'm very old, and so is audio-conferencing). Paul...
Journal: Distance Education, Vol. 32, No. 1 now available
Is online distance education about to collapse like the Tower of Babel? So asks Jon Baggaley
Distance Education, Vol. 32, No. 1, May 2011
The academic...
IRRODL June 2011
For the very few readers of this site who are not already subscribers, the latest edition of the International Review of Research in Open...
Workshop on best practices in blended course design
Academic Impressions is organizing a workshop on blended course design in San Diego, July 25 -27, 2011.
Discussion topics will include:
Developing instructional designs that are...
The digital future of higher education, on video
Videos have now been posted of presentations at two conferences in British Columbia, both looking at the future of digital learning.
The digital future of...