Saturday, March 15, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

12 shortish videos on Teaching in a Digital Age

The videos At the request of the Commonwealth of Learning, I have, with their help, developed 12 short videos introducing the main themes of my...

First data on the shift to emergency online learning

Lederman, D. (2020) How Teaching Changed in the (Forced) Shift to Remote Inside Higher Education, April 22 Who did the study? This is a report of...

2. Emergency online learning and inequity: developing countries

One term, many contexts If I was uncomfortable writing my previous post, I am even more uncomfortable about writing this one. 'Developing countries' is not...

Emergency online learning and inequity: developed countries

I have come across a number of articles (see for instance Brown and Salmi, 2020), and received several e-mails, pointing out that a sudden...

Recording of webinar on choosing media in online (and other) learning

Last Tuesday I gave the third of six Contact North webinars based on my book, 'Teaching in a Digital Age.' These webinars are somewhat...

What should we be doing about online learning when social distancing ends?

Transitioning from panic to control Planning is a bit of a luxury in a crisis. You do triage until you can get back to normal....

Corona-virus and online learning in k-12 schools: my unadvice + excellent advice from elsewhere

I've not been blogging much because I've been a bit overwhelmed with work for obvious reasons the last month or so. However, I see...

Advice to those about to teach online because of the corona-virus

  En español: Consejos para quienes están a punto de enseñar en línea debido al Coronavirus With the reports of more and more institutions closing campuses...

Learning analytics in online learning: trying hard but need to do better

I have now covered all five main articles in the special August issue of the journal Distance Education on learning analytics (because it is...

Learning analytics and gamification: a significant study

This is the third post reviewing articles in the journal Distance Education, Vol. 40, No.3, a special edition on learning analytics in distance education....