Monday, March 31, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

The implications of ‘open’ for course and program design: towards a paradigm shift

I am usually very cautious not to use the term 'paradigm shift', but I do believe that the term is justified by the implications of...

Choosing design models for a digital age

Oh, dear, it appears that I missed out in posting the conclusion to my Chapter 6, on Models for Designing Teaching and Learning for my...

A ‘starter’ bibliography on design models for teaching and learning

For the increasing number of students doing Masters' dissertations or Ph.D's on course or instructional design I have collected together for convenience all the references...

The strengths and weaknesses of competency-based learning in a digital age

Chapter 5 of my open textbook, 'Teaching in a Digital Age', is now published. In Chapter 5, I developed the concept of a learning environment. I...

Choosing teaching methods for a digital age

  Introduction I'm going to try to pull together here the main conclusions following my discussion of epistemologies, learning theories and methods of teaching that I've...

Models for teaching by doing (labs, apprenticeship, etc.)

  Context I am gradually working my way through Chapter 4 on different models of teaching for my open textbook, 'Teaching in a Digital Age.' First drafts of...

Washington State Community College System plans online competency-based associate degree

The Olympian (2014) Competency-based learning makes college credit more accessible for all The Bellingham Herald, June 3 The State of Washington is introducing a new...

Are universities teaching the skills needed in a knowledge-based economy?

I've been on holiday the last two and a half weeks, but also doing some writing for my open textbook on teaching in a...

A balanced research report on the hopes and realities of MOOCs

Hollands, F. and Tirthali, D. (2014) MOOCs: Expectations and Reality New York: Columbia University Teachers' College, Center for Benefit-Cost Studies of Education, 211 pp We...

Instructional design, the academy and industry: a ‘blended’ event

What: The Academy and Industry: Exploring Instructional Design Roles In a professional discipline, sometimes there can be uneasy tensions between those in the Academy (i.e. professors...