Saturday, March 29, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Understanding microcredentials: a report from HEQCO

Pichette, J., Brumwell, S., Rizk, J., Han, S. (2021) Making Sense of Microcredentials. Toronto: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. Back to blogging It's now two...

How to address the skills agenda in higher education: a German perspective

Ehlers, U-D. (2020) Future Skills: the future of learning and higher education Karlsruhe, Germany: Herstellung und Verlag, pp. 311 What is this book about? This free,...

Is this the future of online learning?

Rosen, K. (2020) 2020: Lost Year of Schooling or Year One in a New Era of Education? Attention FWD, November 12 I found this an...

What is the difference between competencies, skills and learning outcomes – and does it...

Bumping into neighbours outside a branch public library can sometimes stimulate a lot of thought. I ran into a fellow consultant (our neighbourhood is...

Second edition of Teaching in a Digital Age now published

The second edition of Teaching in a Digital Age is now available at The first edition was published in 2015. The second edition is...

Some thoughts on the future of public higher education

One of the responses I had to my series on the coming crisis to post-secondary education in Canada was: 'Well, what do you think...

2018 review: 21st century knowledge and skills

How to develop the knowledge and skills that learners will need in the 21st century was a growing topic of discussion not just in...

‘Humans Wanted’: online learning and skills development

Royal Bank of Canada (2018) Humans Wanted Toronto ON: Royal Bank of Canada I have at last got hold of a full copy of this...

More webinars on ‘Teaching in a Digital Age’

Last year I did a series of five webinars on topics from my online, open textbook, 'Teaching in a Digital Age.' These proved to...

Welcome back and what you may have missed in online learning over the summer

I hope you all had a great summer break and have come back fully charged for another always challenging year in teaching. I thought...