Saturday, March 1, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

E-learning simply explained: a video

The United Nations University has released what it calls a 'sticky concepts' video on e-learning. From the UNU: If you are a newbie in the field...

Free new guide to teaching at a distance from South Africa

The South African Institute of Distance Education has developed a new guide for adjunct instructors supporting learners at a distance (called tutors outside North...

Book review: Changing Cultures in Higher Education

Ehlers, U-D. and Schneckenberg, D. (eds. ) Changing Cultures in Higher Education: Moving Ahead to Future Learning Heidelberg/London/New York: Springer, 610 pp, US$129.00 What the...

New book on Web 2.0 and Social Informatics for Tertiary Learning

Lee, M. and McCoughlin, C. (2010) Web 2.0 Based e-Learning: Applying Social Informatics for Tertiary Learning Hershey PA: IGI Global, 415 pp, US$180 hardback Description...

Designing research for the Ontario Online Institute

HECQO and the Ontario Online Institute I spent a very interesting day on July 7 at the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO), discussing...

Comparing apples with oranges: online vs face-to-face learning in community colleges

Smith Jaggars, S. and Bailey, T. (2010) Effectiveness of Fully Online Courses for College Students: Response to a Department of Education Meta-Analysis New...

Another view on research for the Ontario Online Institute

Maxim Jean-Louis, the President of Contact North, was one of the participants in the recent HEQCO meeting to discuss possible areas of research that...

What does ‘open’ really mean?

Hilton III, J. et al. (2010) Using online technologies to extend a classroom to learners at a distance, Distance Education, Vol. 31, No....

Measuring interaction in asynchronous online learning

Persico, D., Pozzi, F. and Sarti, L. (2010) Monitoring collaborative activities in computer supported collaborative learning, Distance Education, Vol. 31. No. 1, pp. 5-22 This...

Dispelling myths

I came across some blogs about 'myths', so I thought I'd put them together. Myth No. 1: 'A university education is becoming so costly -...