Saturday, March 1, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Web conference on “Hybrid learning: course design and faculty development”

Academic Impressions is offering a webcast at 1.00 -2.30 pm EDT on March 24 on 'Hybrid Learning: Course Design and Faculty Development.'. You need to...

The ‘myth’ of e-learning

Batson, T. (2011) The Myth of eLearning: There Is No 'There' There Campus Technology, January 19 This stimulating blog about e-learning challenges the idea that...

e-learning outlook for 2011

What's in my crystal ball for e-learning in 2011? (For how well I did in my predictions for 2010, see e-learning retrospective - how...

Innovative e-learning in the Vancouver area

I worry about the often negative tone of many of my posts. It was therefore a great pleasure to attend the joint Justice Institute...

November issue of journal ‘Distance Education’

The November 2010 edition of 'Distance Education', Vol. 31, No 3. is now out, but not as an open access document. If you are...

‘The notion of class time as separate from non-class time will vanish’

This is one of 20 predictions from the editors of the Futurist magazine. 'Each year since 1985, the editors of THE FUTURIST have selected the...

A vision for course management systems

Mazar, R. (2010) Episode 3: campus courseware University Affairs, November 8 Rochelle Mazar, an Emerging Technologies Librarian at the University of Toronto Mississauga, provides in...

Book: Online learning and assessment in higher education

Benson, R. and Brack, C. (2010) Online Learning and Assessment in Higher Education Cawston UK: Woodhead Publishing This book can be ordered by fax or...

Guest post: How Online Learning Compares with the Classroom

My site gets visited by a large number of students or potential students (one of the most active posts is 'Recommended graduate programs in...

Reflections on demographics, video-conferencing and aboriginal distance education

I apologise for the lack of postings this past week. I have been on the road, visiting the University of Saskatchewan in central Canada...