Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

A personal history: 2. Researching the BBC/Open University broadcasts

I am writing an autobiography, mainly for my family, but it does cover some key moments in the development of open and online learning....

lLa troisième édition de “L’enseignement à l’ère numérique” entièrement traduite en français est maintenant...

J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que la troisième édition de "L'enseignement à l'ère numérique" a été entièrement traduite en français par une merveilleuse...

French translation of the third edition of Teaching in a Digital Age now available

I hope you are having a wonderful summer break. If so all the more reason to read 'Teaching in a Digital Age'. This is now...
The Distributed University - Richard Heller

Book Review: Richard Heller’s ‘The Distributed University for Sustainable Higher Education’

Heller, R. (2022) The Distributed University for Sustainable Higher Education SpringerBriefs in Education: Singapore Good news: this is an open access book. The second good...
Dr. Elizabeth George in front of drawings of student engagement

Student motivation and online learning

This is a post for the many instructors who have asked (especially during the pandemic): 'But how do you motivate students to learn online?' Student...

Spanish version of ‘Teaching in a Digital Age: Third Edition’ now available/Ya está disponible...

Click en la imagen para acceder al libro/Click on image to access book/ Español Me complace anunciar que la versión en español de la tercera edición...

Third edition of Teaching at a Distance is now published

The third edition of Teaching in a Digital Age is now available from here: https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/teachinginadigitalagev3m/ I have exported in several formats and made it public....

Discussing the strengths and weaknesses of synchronous or asynchronous teaching

The context I am continuing the process of updating the third version of my open textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age, to take account of...

Staying Online: a new book by Robert Ubell

Ubell, R. (2022) Staying Online: How to Navigate Digital Higher Education New York/London: Routledge, 180 pp This book was published on September 7, 2021, and...

The ‘not normal’ return to normal in September

I have to admit that I'm getting somewhat freaked out by what I hear is happening in September as universities and colleges return to...