From UBC: an open access resource for teaching online
The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology at the University of British Columbia has launched the Online Teaching Program (OTP) to help faculty adapt...
Equity and online learning: practical design steps
Sator, A. and Williams, H. (2020) Removing Barriers to Online Learning Through a Teaching and Learning Lens Victoria BC: BCcampus/ABLE Research Consultants
Equity and online...
Online learning and the fall semester: advice for decision-makers
I really do not envy those university and college administrators trying to work out what to do for this coming fall semester. This will...
12 shortish videos on Teaching in a Digital Age
The videos
At the request of the Commonwealth of Learning, I have, with their help, developed 12 short videos introducing the main themes of my...
Online enrolments after Covid-19: a prediction, part 2 – policy implications
My prediction
In my previous post, I predicted that over the next 10 years, fully online learning will grow to about 20-25% of all course...
What should we be doing about online learning when social distancing ends?
Transitioning from panic to control
Planning is a bit of a luxury in a crisis. You do triage until you can get back to normal....
Webinar recording: From panic to peace of mind: transitioning to online learning
I had the privilege of delivering the first in a series of webinars organised by the European Distance Education Network (EDEN) on Education in...
Corona-virus and online learning in k-12 schools: my unadvice + excellent advice from elsewhere
I've not been blogging much because I've been a bit overwhelmed with work for obvious reasons the last month or so. However, I see...
Second edition of Teaching in a Digital Age now published
The second edition of Teaching in a Digital Age is now available at
The first edition was published in 2015. The second edition is...
What are the key online learning markets over the next few years?
Lomas, S. and Ashburn, E. (2019) The next wave of online education San Francisco CA: Entangled Solutions
Schroeder, R. (2019) Plotting the Future of Your...