Free online modules for k-12 teachers on how to teach online
Following on from my post yesterday about the lack of training for k-12 teachers in how to teach online during the pandemic, I am...
Post-Pandemic Lesson 2: Support for instructors is essential for quality online learning
This is the second of 10 Lessons from a Post-Pandemic World. For the other nine, click here.
“The main lesson is we need to increase...
10 Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World from Covid-19 for Canadian universities and colleges
2020: Resilience and adaptability
“Canada responded amazingly well to the challenge of adapting to an existential threat to its post-secondary education system. The system...
Why school boards need to listen to online learning professionals
Guzman, Y. (2020) Students miss out and teachers feel overwhelmed as school boards blend in-person and virtual classes The Globe and Mail, November 1
Another survey of student responses to emergency remote learning
Wise, A. F. & Bergner, Y. (2020) College in the Time of Corona: Spring 2020 Student Survey New York, NY: NYU-LEARN.
This is another 'quick-and-dirty' survey...
The role of Centres for Teaching and Learning during Covid-19 – and beyond
Naffi, N. (2020) Disruption in and by Centres for Teaching and Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Leading the Future of Higher Ed Québec City:...
How can the Canadian federal government help the post-secondary system post-Covid19?
The most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
Ronald Reagan
The Feds and post-secondary education in...
Research reports on Covid-19 and emergency remote learning/online learning
Post last up-dated: 9 June, 2021
Since March 2020, there has been a flurry of research on emergency remote learning. Most published research up to...
What Teaching and Learning Centres should focus on in time of pandemic and beyond:...
I was interviewed earlier this week by Nadia Naffi, a professor in the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Laval, (Québec City)...
What have we learned from Covid-19 about the limitations of online learning – and...
Being realistic about the strengths and weaknesses of online learning
I have spent a good part of my career defending and promoting online learning and...