Sunday, March 9, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Accreditation of higher education institutions in the USA

Bristow, S. (2009) Understanding Postsecondary Educational Accreditation in the United States Re.Vica Newsletter, October 2009 A very useful, brief introduction to a complex topic with...

Using technology to improve the cost-effectiveness of the academy: Part 1

Is e-learning failing in higher education? In previous blogs, I have discussed whether e-learning is failing in higher education. To answer the question, I have...

Book review: Distance and blended learning in Asia

Latchem, C. and Jung, I. (2010) Distance and blended learning in Asia New York/London: Routledge Overview This is one of the best books I have read...

Integrating e-learning in African universities

Last week I participated in a three day workshop in Bonn, Germany, for senior African higher education leaders on Integrating e-Learning: Key Challenge for...

Aggressive Plan for State Data Systems

Lederman, D. (2009) Aggressive Plan for State Data Systems Inside Higher Education, September 28 This article discusses moves by the U.S. Congress and Senate to...

Using business intelligence software to improve the management of e-learning

Finnie, R. and Usher, A. (2009) Making university education a quality product Globe and Mail, September 9 Briggs, L. (2009) Dashboards deliver data visually at...

Why the University of Illinois Global Campus project failed

Kolowich, S. (2009) What doomed Global Campus? Inside Higher Education, Sept 3 An interesting article that speculates on the reasons for the failure of the...

European wiki on virtual campuses – globally

Re.ViCa is a project funded by the European Commission. It is doing a review of Virtual Campuses all over Europe. As part of this...

A report on UNESCO’s 2009 World Conference on Higher Education

Redden, E. (2009) 'An Academic Revolution' Inside Higher Education, July 8 This is a report on the first day of a large UNESCO conference on...

Effective Practice in a Digital Age

JISC (2009) Effective Practice in a Digital Age Bristol UK: JISC From JISC's publication web site: Effective Practice in a Digital Age combines the outcomes of...