Sunday, March 9, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Reigning in costs with online learning

Bassis, M. (2009) Reigning in college costs Businessweek, December 21 This is a useful article, from the President of Westminster College, Salt Lake City, to...

Too many adjuncts?

Stainburn, S. (2009) The Case of the Vanishing Full-time Professor New York Times, December 30 Elementary, my dear Watson. Not so much news, more a...

Overcrowded and underfunded

Marcus, J. (2009) Overcrowded and underfunded National Crosstalk, December. If you want to know why I think public higher education is broken, read this article....

The well-deserved end of a bad project

Kolowich, S. (2009) Another one bites the dust Inside Higher Education, December 9 An article about the demise of U21 Global, an online Graduate School....

The business of higher education

Lederman, D. (2009) The business of higher education Inside Higher Education, December 2 An interview with the authors of a new book: Knapp, J. and Siegel,...

Comparing Canadian and US post-secondary education systems

Lederman, D. (2009) Catching Up to Canada Inside Higher Education, November 6 An interesting article discussing the different participation and graduation rates between Canada and...

Managing curriculum change

JISC (2009) Managing curriculum change Bristol UK: JISC Another interesting publication from the UK's Joint Information Steering Committee . This is a short (6 page) well-illustrated...

Reforming distance education in Portugal

Tajo el Castillo de Almourol, Portugal (from Flickr © Hamster Volador, Creative Commons License) Hasan, A. et al. (2009) Reforming Distance Learning Higher...

Recurring Issues Encountered by Distance Educators in Developing and Emerging Nations

Wright, C., Dhanarajan, G. and Reju, S. (2009) Recurring Issues Encountered by Distance Educators in Developing and Emerging Nations IRRODL, Vol. 10, No. 1 I...

So: is e-learning really failing in higher education? An answer

Background This is the last in a series of ten blogs on the topic: 'Is e-learning failing in higher education?' My blogs on this topic...