Sunday, March 9, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

A marketer’s view of higher education in the USA

For those of you not familiar with Seth Godin's excellent blog on marketing, take a look at his latest blog: The coming melt-down in higher...

My thoughts on managing technology in universities

One of my favourite web sites is Keith Hampson's Higher Education Management Group. It was therefore an honour for me to be invited to be...

Preliminary book review: An Introduction to Distance Education

Cleveland-Innes, M. and Garrison, R. (eds.) 2010 An Introduction to Distance Education: Understanding Teaching and Learning in a New Era New York/Abingdon UK: Routledge This...

Factors affecting time to degree completion

Bound, J., Lovenheim, M. and Turner, S. (2010) Increasing Time to Baccalaureate Degree in the United States Cambridge MA: National Bureau of Economic Research This...

What do instructors need to know about teaching with technology?

I believe that we will see no real innovation, no fundamental change, in post-secondary education, at least from within, unless all instructors have basic...

Improving quality AND reducing costs

Bassis, M. (2010) Changing the equation Inside Higher Education, March 25 This article, by the President of a private college, Westminster College, in the USA,...

Using online learning to increase enrolments and revenue

Kirk, A. (2010) Leveraging Technology to Increase Enrollment, Capacity, and Revenues University Business, February This is quite a good article on what is involved in...

Comparing for-profits with public institutions

Sherry, A. (2010) As for-profit colleges flourish, focus turns to grads' success and debt Denver Post, January 17 A Denver Post examination of graduation rates,...

Can web 2.0 tools be legally used for education in Canada?

I raise this as a result of an interesting question from Ron Richard,of Meritus University, Canada. Ron asked Tony Vincent, who runs the excellent...

Is prior learning assessment better than GPAs for admission to post-secondary education?

Klein-Collins, R. (2010) Fueling the Race to Post-Secondary Success Chicago IL: The Council for Adult and Experiential Learning One of the features of old age...