No. 5 aha moment: the Web as a universal standard
This is the sixth in a series of posts about the most seminal ‘discoveries’ in my researching and working in educational technology, where I...
New journal: INNOQUAL
If you have an interest in innovation and quality in the field of e-learning, the European Foundation for Quality in E Learning (EFQUEL) is...
Keeping up with MOOC developments
How are you keeping up with MOOC developments? If you are like me, you are probably feeling swamped and not a little overwhelmed by...
Online learning in California generates controversy
Booker, E. (2013) Online education policy draws fire in California Information Week: Education, January 11
This report of a one-day conference at UCLA: 'Rebooting Higher Education:...
An archive of alI I know about online learning
At the recent COHERE conference I delivered two keynotes:
Meeting the challenge of technology: are we failing as managers?
Designing university teaching to meet the needs...
Maclean’s 2013 rankings of Canadian Universities: a critique
Dehaas, J. (2102) The 2013 Maclean’s University Rankings,, November 1
I thought the clocks went back tomorrow - are we already in 2013? Well, here...
COHERE conference on blended learning
I was privileged to be the key speaker at a conference organized by Canada's Collaboration for Online Higher Education and Research (COHERE) and the...
How to make an omellette without breaking eggs: innovation and open-ness in university teaching
It has been impossible for me to blog about online learning over the last four weeks because I have been on holiday for most...
My summer paranoia: computers will replace teachers in higher education
I had a strange dream last night. I was in discussion with an editor from a publishing company about the draft of a new...
Spanish version of ‘Managing Technology in Higher Education’ now available
Bates, A. and Sangra, A. (2012) La gestión de la tecnología en la educación superior Barcelona ESP: Octaedro:ICE-UB
The Spanish version of 'Managing Technology in...