Producing ‘innovative’ graduates and how online learning can help
Avvisati, F., Jacotin, G., and Vincent-Lacrin, S. (2013) Educating Higher Education Students for Innovative Economies: What International Data Tells Us, Tuning Journal for Higher...
New developments in online learning across the University of California system – and the...
To, K. (2014) UC Regents announce online course expansion, The Guardian, UC San Diego, undated, but probably February 5
The University of California system continues...
Another e-learning platform from Nigeria
Adepoju, P. (2014) Nigeria is ready for e-learning - Humanipo, January 28
I wrote about in a previous post. is another e-learning platform, working...
Is Athabasca University moving away from tutoring?
Nolais, J. (2014) Concerns dialed up over ‘call-centre model’ at Alberta’s Athabasca University Metro: Calgary, January 27
More signs of trouble at 'Canada's Open University', as...
2020 Vision: Outlook for online learning in 2014 and way beyond
Taking the long view
Doug Saunders in the Globe and Mail on January 4 wrote an interesting piece on prediction, entitled: "Gadgets alone don't make...
Conference in Crete on quality in open education
What: SCOPE 2014: Changing the trajectory: quality for opening up education
'In order to make open learning and education more relevant and feasible for organizations as...
The cost of being a student in Canada – and where to find online...
vouchercloud is a Canadian discount coupon website and they have a selection of student specific coupons. They have produced the above infographic focusing on the cost of being a student in...
Book review: The Smartest Kids in the World
Ripley, A. (2013) The Smartest Kids in the World - and How They Got That Way New York/London/Toronto/Sydney/New Delhi: Simon and Schuster
OECD (2013) PISA...
Productivity and online learning redux
Summarizing the previous posts
In previous posts (see end of this post), I tried to identify a range of areas where online learning might enable...
Productivity and online learning: an summary of the main concepts
This is the first of two final posts in the series on whether online learning can increase educational ‘productivity.’ In this post I discuss...