10 key takeaways about differences between classroom, blended, online and open learning
Lucky readers: you get a bonus! This is really a brief summary of all of the ten previous posts on this topic, which constitute...
The implications of ‘open’ for course and program design: towards a paradigm shift
I am usually very cautious not to use the term 'paradigm shift', but I do believe that the term is justified by the implications of...
Integrating open textbooks, open research and open data into teaching
This is the third of five posts on open education for my online open textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age. The previous two posts...
Making sense of open educational resources
This is the second of five posts on open education from Chapter 10 of my online open textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age. The...
What do we mean by ‘open’ in education?
"I'm just a committed and even stubborn person who wants to see every child getting quality education"
Malala Yousafzai's Nobel Prize speech, 2014
This is the...
Desperately seeking the unique pedagogical characteristics of face-to-face teaching
This is the fourth of five posts on choosing modes of delivery for my online open textbook Teaching in a Digital Age. The post...
Why organisational issues are critical for media selection
I'm getting to the end of my chapter on media selection, based on the SECTIONS model. I discuss the 'O' for organisational issues briefly....
Interactivity and the choice of media
I hope you had a good holiday break. This post from my draft for my open textbook, 'Teaching in a Digital Age,' looks at...
Choosing design models for a digital age
Oh, dear, it appears that I missed out in posting the conclusion to my Chapter 6, on Models for Designing Teaching and Learning for my...
Educational technology 30 years on: why hasn’t education changed much?
Bates, A.W. (ed.) (1984) The Role of Technology in Distance Education London/New York: Routledge/Taylor and Francis
For some inexplicable reason, Routledge, of the publishing group Taylor...