Obtaining independent reviews for an open textbook: what criteria to use?
What is the issue?
One of the questions I had to ask myself as a self-publishing author of Teaching in a Digital Age was whether...
Writing an online, open textbook: is it worth it?
In earlier posts, I have discussed how to measure the success of an open, online textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age, and also discussed...
Athabasca University’s troubles grow
Bako, O. (2015) AU taskforce releases sustainability report, The Athabasca Advocate, June 9
I hate to rely on third-party reports, but a thorough web search...
Next steps for the European HE system
Klemenčič, M. and Ashwin, P. (2015) What's next for Europe? Inside Higher Ed, May 26
As my holiday in Italy draws to a close, I...
Lessons about researching technology-enhanced instruction
Lopes, V. and Dion, N. (2105) Pitfalls and Potential: Lessons from HEQCO-Funded Research on Technology-Enhanced Instruction Toronto ON: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
Since it's...
EDUCAUSE looks beyond the (current) LMS environment: is it a future we want?
Brown, M, Dehoney, J., Millichap, N. (2015) The Next Generation Digital Learning Environment: A Report on Research EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative
What is it about?
EDUCAUSE has published...
Choosing a ‘good’ post-secondary online learning program
I am constantly asked to recommend 'good' online learning programs. This is a difficult question to answer, as it’s impossible for any single person to...
Last chapter of Teaching in a Digital Age now published
Chapter 12, Supporting teachers and instructors in a digital age, the last chapter of my online, open textbook for teachers and instructors, Teaching in...
Ensuring quality teaching in a digital age: key takeaways
I have now completed and published Chapter 11, 'Ensuring quality teaching in a digital age', for my online open textbook, Teaching in a Digital...
What do we mean by quality when teaching in a digital age?
Before I start on my nine steps to quality learning for my open textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age, I have needed to 'clear...