Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Rethinking the purpose of online learning: 2. Using online learning to reduce the costs...

This is the second of three posts examining the purpose of online and digital learning. In the first post I looked at the government...

Rethinking the purpose of online learning: 1. Ontario’s k-12 initiative

What is the purpose of online learning? Online learning has been hitting the headlines recently: the Ontario government requiring every high school student to take...

Some reflections on the results of the 2018 national survey of online learning

The public report of the 2018 national survey of online and distance learning in Canadian universities and colleges is now available in English and...

(Almost) free books on online learning

I did a big clear-out over the holiday period and found a whole batch of brand new printed copies of three of my books....

2018 review of online learning: weak leadership

This is the fourth in my series reviewing developments in online learning in 2018. The first three were: AI and synchronous learning open universities...

Summary of the 2018 survey of online learning in Canadian colleges and universities

The Canadian Digital Learning Research Association has just finalised the results from the 2018 national survey. The full technical report has been completed in...

Why is innovation in teaching in HE so difficult? 4. Integrating online and distance...

This is the fourth and final post in this series. The previous three were: 1. The accreditation agencies? 2. Legacy systems 3. Learning management...

Book review: Open and Distance Education in Australia, Europe and the Americas

Qayyum, A. and Zawacki-Richter, O. (eds.) Open and Distance Education in Australia, Europe and the Americas: National Perspectives in a Digital Age Singapore: Springer, US$24+ Why...

Why is innovation in teaching in higher education so difficult? 1. The accreditation agencies?

Horn, M. and Dunagan, A. (2018) Innovation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education San Francisco CA: The Christensen Institute Revisiting an old question A couple of...

Book review: Open and Distance Non-formal Education in Developing Countries

Latchem, C. (2018) Open and Distance Non-formal Education in Developing Countries Springer: Singapore The author I was about to review this book when I was informed of...