Thursday, December 26, 2024
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Six ways to make Web 2.0 work

Chui, M., Miller, A. and Roberts, R. (2009) 'Six ways to make Web 2.0 work' The McKinsey Quarterly, Feb 2009 This is not an article...

Centralised or decentralized distance education in dual mode universities?

This video interview with Tony Bates discusses the factors at play and the advantages and disadvantages of faculties being responsible for distance education, based...

The evolution of online student recruitment

Briggs, L. (2009) 'The evolution of online student recruitment' Campus Technology, Feb 19 An interview with Bob Johnson, about succesful online marketing for student recruitment....

From Data to Information Business intelligence and its role in higher education today

Durso, T. (2009) 'From Data to Information: Business intelligence and its role in higher education today' University Business, January An article on a particularly important...

The Dynamic Nature of Knowledge: Future Challenges and Opportunities

Eckel, P. and Hartley, M. (2008) The Dynamic Nature of Knowledge: Future Challenges and Opportunities Washington DC: American Council on Education From the publisher's...

Questions on the future of information and communications technologies in higher education

Over the next month, I will be doing several blogs around topics prompted by three books that look very different, but each of which...

With Students Flocking Online, Will Faculty Follow?

Guess, A. (2008) 'With Students Flocking Online, Will Faculty Follow?' Inside Higher Education, Nov 18 This article discusses an issue rarely raised in the academic...

The Future of Higher Education: How Technology will Shape Learning

Economist Intelligence Unit (2008)  "The Future of Higher Education:  How Technology will Shape Learning" The NMC, in conjunction with the Economist Magazine and in collaboration...

Taking the Lead: Strategic Management for e-Learning

Higgins, A. and Prebble, T. (2008) Taking the Lead: Strategic Management for e-Learning Wellington, NZ: Ako Aotearoa (National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence) This report...

E-learning in education and training in New Zealand

At the invitation of Richard Elliott, and John Clayton of Waikato Institute of Technology (WINTEC), I gave a series of keynotes and workshops in...