Candid cameras and free speech in the lecture theatre
Stripling, J. (2010) Video killed the faculty star Inside Higher Education, November 18
This is an article about three different lecturers in three different universities...
Main findings from the 2010 Campus Computing Project
Green, K. C. (2010) Managing Online Education, Encino CA: The Campus Computing Project,/WCET
Kolowich, S. (2010) Internal barriers to online expansion, Inside Higher Education, November...
Comparing Chinese and British HE systems through their distance teaching universities
Wei, Runfang (2008) China's Radio and TV Universities and the British Open University: A Comparative Study Nanjing China: Yilin Press
This has been sitting on...
Data analytics and online learning
Business intelligence data display: Oracle Inc.
Kolowich, S. (2010) Technology and the completion agenda Inside Higher Education, November 9
This article highlights what I...
Hope and despair: managing technological change
In a very funny low budget British movie called 'Clockwise', John Cleese plays a school principal with an obsession about punctuality who is asked...
Reflections on demographics, video-conferencing and aboriginal distance education
I apologise for the lack of postings this past week. I have been on the road, visiting the University of Saskatchewan in central Canada...
Book review: Taking Stock: Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Christensen Hughes, J. and Mighty, J. (eds.) (2010) Taking Stock: Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Montreal QC and Kingston ON: McGill-Queen's...
Reforming the university: evolution or revolution?
Who will bring about change?
In reviewing Ehlers and Schneckenberg's 'Changing Cultures in Higher Education', I began to wonder if or how the modern university...
Book review: Changing Cultures in Higher Education
Ehlers, U-D. and Schneckenberg, D. (eds. ) Changing Cultures in Higher Education: Moving Ahead to Future Learning Heidelberg/London/New York: Springer, 610 pp, US$129.00
What the...
Cheating in online learning
Academic Impressions is one of my main sources of news on e-learning and educational developments. The editor, Daniel Fusch occasionally does interviews with experts...