Thursday, January 23, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Two webinars on the future of online learning next week

I am offering two quite different webinars next week on the future of online learning.  Contact North This will be the last in my series of...

Two successful approaches to moving on-campus courses online due to Covid-19

Schaffhauser, D. (2020) Distance Learning Ramp-up: A Strategic View Campus Technology, April 23  Phelps, J. (2020) SNHU to cut tuition from $31,000 to $10,000, revamp...

2. Emergency online learning and inequity: developing countries

One term, many contexts If I was uncomfortable writing my previous post, I am even more uncomfortable about writing this one. 'Developing countries' is not...

Emergency online learning and inequity: developed countries

I have come across a number of articles (see for instance Brown and Salmi, 2020), and received several e-mails, pointing out that a sudden...

Online enrolments after Covid-19: a prediction, part 2 – policy implications

My prediction In my previous post, I predicted that over the next 10 years, fully online learning will grow to about 20-25% of all course...

Online enrolments after Covid-19: a prediction, part 1

GastaGoesGlobal I really enjoyed participating in Tom Farrelly's 'GastaGoesGlobal' yesterday. This was an online multi-person presentation in the Irish 'Gasta' style, where every presenter had...

What should we be doing about online learning when social distancing ends?

Transitioning from panic to control Planning is a bit of a luxury in a crisis. You do triage until you can get back to normal....

Webinar recording: From panic to peace of mind: transitioning to online learning

I had the privilege of delivering the first in a series of webinars organised by the European Distance Education Network (EDEN) on Education in...

Corona-virus and online learning in k-12 schools: my unadvice + excellent advice from elsewhere

I've not been blogging much because I've been a bit overwhelmed with work for obvious reasons the last month or so. However, I see...

Canadian post-secondary enrolments: the role of online learning

Statistics Canada has published its latest report on student enrolments for the academic year 2017-2018. This coincides with the data from the latest report...