Friday, February 28, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

No. 6 aha moment: the convergence of online learning (from the periphery to the...

This is the seventh in a series of posts about the most seminal ‘discoveries’ in my researching and working in educational technology, where I...

My summer paranoia: computers will replace teachers in higher education

I had a strange dream last night. I was in discussion with an editor from a publishing company about the draft of a new...

Building a knowledge economy through Telecentres in Africa

CTA (2011) A knowledge economy begins at the grass roots eLearning Africa News Portal, December 15 This is an interesting article by staff from the Technical Centre...

Is online learning a waste of space?

What are the implications of online enrollments for space use on campus? As more and more students enroll in online courses, questions arise as to...

Instructional design: the times they are a’changing

  Last week I attended a very interesting workshop, called Just ID,  at the University of British Columbia. The workshop was organized with the support of...

Designing campuses for e-learning

McCrea, B. (2010) Remaking the College Campus Campus Technology, August 5 This article focuses on Glasgow Caledonian University's Saltire Centre, the centerpiece of learning and...

My thoughts on managing technology in universities

One of my favourite web sites is Keith Hampson's Higher Education Management Group. It was therefore an honour for me to be invited to be...

Computer labs not dead yet

Kolowich, S. (2010) Serving the laptopless student Inside Higher Education, January 5 This article is primarily about access to technology and also digital literacy. Well...

The growth of local, blended online learning

Parry, M. (2009) They Thought Globally, but Now Colleges Push Online Programs Locally Chronicle of Higher Education, July 10 This article discusses how state-funded universities...

Universities Use Collaborative Software To Share Classroom

Briggs, L. (2009) Universities Use Collaborative Software To Share Classroom Campus Technology April 1 An article about ClassSpot, an interactive multi-screen system for classroom teaching....