Rebuilding the First Nations University of Canada
Tamburri, R. (2015) First Nations University poised to take on larger role in Canadian society University Affairs, June 2
As a follow-up to my last post...
What is the role of Canadian universities in indigenous education?
Universities Canada (2015) Universities Canada principles on Indigenous education Ottawa: Universities Canada, June 29
Yesterday was Canada Day, and I am very proud to be Canadian....
A new online learning platform from New Zealand
Open Polytechnic (2015) Open Polytechnic launches online learning platform Lower Hutt NZ: Open Polytechnic
I'm not sure the world needs another LMS (sorry, an 'online learning...
What can past history tell us about the Athabasca University ‘crisis’?
It's not just the Greeks who are having problems financially, even though they are getting all the headlines. In earlier posts I commented on Athabasca University's...
Independent reviews of Teaching in a Digital Age now published
I have now received the three independent reviews I requested for my open, online textbook for faculty and instructors, called 'Teaching in a Digital...
Guidelines for reviewing an open textbook
I'm not sure that there is much of an immediate 'market' for these posts on issues around developing an open textbook (or maybe everyone...
Obtaining independent reviews for an open textbook: what criteria to use?
What is the issue?
One of the questions I had to ask myself as a self-publishing author of Teaching in a Digital Age was whether...
Advice to students about Athabasca University
Much has happened since this was posted in June 0f 2015, including an extensive external review. Go to 'A brighter future for Athabasca University?'...
Advice to the Alberta government on Athabasca University’s sustainability report
McKinnon, P. at al. (2015) The Future is Now: Report of the Presidential Task Force on Sustainability Athabasca AB: Athabasca University
The university kindly provided...
Writing an online, open textbook: is it worth it?
In earlier posts, I have discussed how to measure the success of an open, online textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age, and also discussed...