Bridging the digital divide in higher education: 1: from a business perspective
Goldrick-Rab. S. et al. (2020) #RealCollege During the Pandemic The Hope Centre for College, Community and Justice Philadelphia: Temple University, June, pp. 22
Wasik, E....
Stunning research on inequities of access to online learning in the USA
Figure 1. Percentage of children (ages 0–18 years) learning online whose parents reported that they had inadequate access to the Internet or a computer...
HESA’s survey of post-secondary student responses to learning during Covid-19
Usher, A. and Sullivan, M. (2021) Examining Learning Experiences during Covid, One Thought to Start Your Day, Higher Education Strategy Associates, January 28.
Higher Education...
Online learning and (k-12) schools: do we need a different curriculum for online learning?
This is the third in a series of posts on online learning in the (k-12) school sector.
The first was What needs to be done...
Online learning and (k-12) schools: 2. Technology and cost issues
This is the second in a series of posts on online learning in the (k-12) school sector. The first was What needs to be...
What needs to be done about online learning in the school sector? 1. An...
The challenge
On balance, although there are many shortcomings and issues, the post-secondary/higher education level has managed relatively well in finding alternatives to in-class teaching...
Developing digital literacy for a digital world: a Québec report
Conseil supérieur de l’éducation (2020). Éduquer au numérique, Rapport sur l’état et les besoins de l’éducation 2018-2020, Québec, Le Conseil, 96 p.
In November, in...
Digital Learning and Faculty Development: a review of Canadian practice
Van Leeuwen, C., Veletsianos, G., Belikov, O, and Johnson, N. (2020) Institutional Perspectives on Faculty Development for Digital Education in Canada Canadian Journal of...
A review of online learning in 2020
2020: Goodbye - and don't come back
What a terrible year. 1.63 million horrible, choking deaths from the coronavirus, and 73 million infected to date....
How a small university successfully pivoted online
The challenge
Algoma University is a small university (about 2,000 students) based in Sault Ste. Marie in northern Ontario, but with satellite campuses in Brampton...