Friday, February 7, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Online learning and distance education are alive and well in Argentina

RUEDA (Red Universitaria de Educación a Distancia d'Argentina) is a network of 42 public universities across Argentina. This week I attended their sixth annual international conference...

New copyright guidelines for Canadian universities and colleges – but do they add clarity?

Geist, M. (2013) Schools navigate learning curve for new copyright rules, Toronto Star, August 30 According to this article, AUCC (the Association of Universities and...

A review of the HEQCO report on productivity and quality in online learning in...

The view from HEQCO, TorontoCarey, T., & Trick, D. (2013). How Online Learning Affects Productivity, Cost and Quality in Higher Education: An Environmental Scan...

What happened in online learning in the summer? – 3

An Ontario online university? I have a strict rule when reporting news to make sure it's based on published secondary sources - in other words,...

Commonwealth of Learning celebrates 25 years of operation

CoL's lifelong learning for farmers projectKanwar, A. (2013) Celebrating COL's 25th Anniversary Vancouver: Commonwealth of Learning I had the privilege of attending COL’s Board of Governors Reception...

An explanation of how ACE accredits MOOCs

 Book, P. (2103) ACE as Academic Credit Reviewer–Adjustment, Accommodation, and Acceptance WCET Learn, July 25 Over the next few weeks, WCET will publish a series of...

Mobile learning for women and girls in Africa

Zelezny-Green, R. (2013) Boosting mobile learning potential for women and girls in Africa: lingering considerations E-learning Africa News Portal, February 14 This is an interesting...

MIT, learning technologies, and developing countries: lessons in technology transfer

  This week I spent three days at the MIT LINC (Learning International Networks Consortium) conference in Boston/Cambridge, Massachusetts, with the theme: 'Realizing the Dream:...

Call for visionary papers on the future of open education

The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) –part of the Joint Research Center of the European Commission – in a study for Director General Education...

North Korea launches two MOOCs

North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, went on national television on Thursday to announce that North Korea had successfully launched two MOOCs (massive open online...