Thursday, February 6, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Rebuilding the First Nations University of Canada

Tamburri, R. (2015) First Nations University poised to take on larger role in Canadian society University Affairs, June 2 As a follow-up to my last post...

What is the role of Canadian universities in indigenous education?

Universities Canada (2015) Universities Canada principles on Indigenous education Ottawa: Universities Canada, June 29 Yesterday was Canada Day, and I am very proud to be Canadian....

A new online learning platform from New Zealand

Open Polytechnic (2015) Open Polytechnic launches online learning platform Lower Hutt NZ: Open Polytechnic I'm not sure the world needs another LMS (sorry, an 'online learning...

Next steps for the European HE system

Klemenčič, M. and Ashwin, P. (2015) What's next for Europe? Inside Higher Ed, May 26 As my holiday in Italy draws to a close, I...

Update on online learning in Africa

Anderson, M. (2015) Out of Africa: e-learning makes further education a reality for tens of thousands The Guardian, May 20 The opening this week of the...

Rethinking learning spaces in a digital age: an example from Singapore

Hohenadel, K. (2015) Singapore’s New “Learning Hub” Rethinks University Classroom Design in the Internet Age SLATE, March 12 I have written in earlier posts about the...

My five wishes for online learning in 2015

Predictions, schmedictions. No-one can guess the future but we can at least say what we would like to see. So here are my five...

Students as a criterion for media selection in online learning

Decisions are being made every day by government, institutions, teachers and students about technology use in education. How are these decisions made? What criteria...

Why the fuss about MOOCs? Political, social and economic drivers

The end of MOOCs This is the last part of my chapter on MOOCs for my online open textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age. In...

A New Zealand analysis of MOOCs

Shrivastava, A. and Guiney, P. (2014) Technological Development and Tertiary Education Delivery Models: The Arrival of MOOCs  Wellington NZ: Tertiary Education Commission/Te Amorangi Mātauranga Matua Why this...