Sunday, March 9, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Update on the free University of the People

Sanchez, C. (2012) Online university for all balances big goals, expensive realities, National Public Radio, August 27 (also available as audio) Report on the current...

Book proposes a regional organization for distance education in Eastern Europe/West Asia

Demiray, U. (2012) Leadership role for Turkey for ICDEEEWA Midas eBooks This free e-book (in English), by Urgur Demiray of the Turkish Anadolu University, looks...

Book review: Quality assurance in distance education and e-learning

Jung, I. and Latchem, C. (2012) Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Distance Education and e-Learning New York/London: Routledge What the book is about 'There is relatively...

JISC analysis of global activity in e-learning in higher education

MindSet Research (2009) Understanding Global Activity in Higher Education and Research: Primary, desk and web-based research Bristol UK: JISC This study was commissioned by the...

Building sustainable higher education in developing countries

Naidoo, R. (2008) Building sustainable higher education in developing countries id21insight education 7, September An interesting discussion of the need for higher education institutions in...

National Strategies for e_Learning in Post-secondary Education and Training

Bates, A. (2001) National Strategies for e_Learning in Post-secondary Education and Training Paris: UNESCO/International Institute for Educational Planning

The Business of Borderless Education: UK perspectives

Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the UK (2000) The Business of Borderless Education: UK perspectives London: CVCP/Higher Education Funding Council...

The Business of Borderless Education

Cunningham, S. (2000) The Business of Borderless Education Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs

Globalising Education: Trends and Applications

Mason, R. (1998) Globalising Education: Trends and Applications London: Routledge

Internationalism in Distance Education: A Vision for Higher Education

Moore, M. (1996) Internationalism in Distance Education: A Vision for Higher Education University Park, PA: American Center for Distance Education, Pennsylvania State University