Look back in anger? A review of online learning in 2013
Well, where did 2013 go? It seems like only last week I was writing the 2012 review!This year, I did better with my predictions...
New copyright guidelines for Canadian universities and colleges – but do they add clarity?
Geist, M. (2013) Schools navigate learning curve for new copyright rules, Toronto Star, August 30
According to this article, AUCC (the Association of Universities and...
No digital strategy for Canada
Just clearing my desk and came across a few items that are worth a mention that I didn't get round to before. I'm doing...
Online learning in 2012: a retrospective
Well, 2012 was certainly the year of the MOOC. Audrey Watters provides a comprehensive overview of what happened with MOOCs in 2012, so I...
Serving remote and rural communities: lessons from 25 years of Contact North
Paul, R. (2012) Contact North: A Case Study in Public Policy Sudbury ON: Contact North
From the report:
In the April 22, 1986 Speech from the...
Maclean’s 2013 rankings of Canadian Universities: a critique
Dehaas, J. (2102) The 2013 Maclean’s University Rankings, Macleans.ca, November 1
I thought the clocks went back tomorrow - are we already in 2013? Well, here...
Questions answered about British Columbia’s digital open textbook plan
Gilmore, D. (2012) B.C. to lead Canada in offering students free, open textbooks, British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education, Innovation and Technology, October 16
Klassen, T. (2012)...
Does the U.S. accreditation system discriminate against online learning?
Vedder, R. (2012) The Unholy Alliance Against Online Learning, Bloomberg, October 29
Yes, says Richard Vedder, professor of economics at the University of Ohio. He...
Developing a strategy for lifelong learners in Canadian universities and colleges (and its implications...
© Pat Cegan's 'Source of Inspiration', 2012
Council of Ontario Universities (2012) Increased numbers of students heading to Ontario universities Toronto ON: COU
Changing demographics
This press...
The status of online learning in Canada in 2012
Contact North (2012) Online Learning in Canada: At a Tipping Point Sudbury ON: Contact North
Contact North's report
Contact North in Ontario has just published a...