Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord
The Distributed University - Richard Heller

Book Review: Richard Heller’s ‘The Distributed University for Sustainable Higher Education’

Heller, R. (2022) The Distributed University for Sustainable Higher Education SpringerBriefs in Education: Singapore Good news: this is an open access book. The second good...

Bridging the digital divide in higher education: 1: from a business perspective

Goldrick-Rab. S. et al. (2020) #RealCollege During the Pandemic The Hope Centre for College, Community and Justice Philadelphia: Temple University, June, pp. 22 Wasik, E....

Book review: Open and Distance Education in Australia, Europe and the Americas

Qayyum, A. and Zawacki-Richter, O. (eds.) Open and Distance Education in Australia, Europe and the Americas: National Perspectives in a Digital Age Singapore: Springer, US$24+ Why...

Corruption in higher education: a wake-up call

Daniel, J. (2016) Combatting Corruption and Enhancing Integrity: A Contemporary Challenge for the Quality and Integrity of Higher Education: Advisory Statement for Effective International...

Australia moves backwards from online apprenticeship training

Raggatt, M. (2015) Government slammed for dumping Energise Oz electrician apprenticeship program Brisbane Times, October 10 Those of you with Netflix may have been watching the...

The University of Western Sydney goes for blended learning – big time!

Griffith, C. (2012) University to roll out 11,000 Apple iPads, The Australian, December 20 All new students enrolling in first year courses in the autumn...

OER and social inclusion: review of special edition of ‘Distance Education’

Distance Education, the journal of the Australian Open and Distance Learning Association (ODLAA), has just published a special edition on OER and social inclusion....

Australian universities to collaborate in online learning

  Lane, B. (2012) UNE and La Trobe hook up online, The Australian, February 20 Two Australian public universities, the University of New England in Armidale, NSW,...

Book review: Quality assurance in distance education and e-learning

Jung, I. and Latchem, C. (2012) Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Distance Education and e-Learning New York/London: Routledge What the book is about 'There is relatively...

Australia’s national strategy for e-learning in vocational and educational training (VET)

Australia: Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (2011) National VET e-Learning Strategy, 2012-2015 Canberra: Government of Australia This document sets out a national strategy for...