Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Special Issue of Online Learning Journal on the COVID-19 Emergency Transition to Remote Learning:...

The Online Learning journal Still catching up on important publications. This one came out in March 2021. The Online Learning Consortium has been publishing a...

UBC’s pivot to emergency remote teaching and learning: a research report

Bartolic, S. and Guppy, N. (2021) UBC’s Pivot to Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning: Perspectives on the Transition at the Vancouver Campus Vancouver BC:...

U.S. students respond well to emergency remote learning

Cengage (2021) Digital Learning Pulse Survey: Pandemic Era Report Card Independence KY: Cengage, April 27 Note: this is in the form of an Infographic: it...

Digital Learning in Canadian Higher Education in 2020: CDLRA report

Johnson, N. (2021) Digital Learning in Canadian Higher Education in 2020: National Report Canadian Digital Learning Research Association: Halifax (francophone version will be available...

Study of British students’ digital experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic

JISC (2021) Student digital experience insights survey 2020/21: Findings from UK higher education and further education (pulse 1: October-December 2020), 8 March 2021 This is...

Tilting at windmills: two research studies on students’ views on Canadian universities’ responses to...

OCUFA (2020) OCUFA 2020 Study: COVID-19 and the Impact on University Life and Education Toronto ON, November HESA/The Strategic Counsel (2021) The Future of Learning:...

Students’ responses to remote learning in the fall: Top Hat survey

Top Hat (2020) Higher Ed Students Grade the Fall 2020 Semester, Top Hat (accessed November 19, no published date) Top Hat is an online publisher...

The role of Centres for Teaching and Learning during Covid-19 – and beyond

Naffi, N. (2020) Disruption in and by Centres for Teaching and Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Leading the Future of Higher Ed Québec City:...

Lessons from Stanford University’s move to remote learning

Bliss, C. (2020) Stanford makes strides to improve online learning in pandemic environment, Stanford News, August 17 Stanford University received responses from 6,000 of their...

How can the Canadian federal government help the post-secondary system post-Covid19?

The most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' Ronald Reagan The Feds and post-secondary education in...