Saturday, February 22, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Throttling access to online learning

Lennett, B. and Kehl, D. (2103) Capping the Nation's Broadband Future Washington DC: New America Foundation Lennett, B. and Kehl, D. (2013) Data Caps Could...

e-learning outlook for 2012: will it be a rough ride?

© Firehorse Blog, 2012 Another year, and online learning, e-learning, learning technologies, educational technologies, digital learning, or whatever you call it or them, will continue...

The digital future of higher education, on video

Videos have now been posted of presentations at two conferences in British Columbia, both looking at the future of digital learning. The digital future of...

Candid cameras and free speech in the lecture theatre

Stripling, J. (2010) Video killed the faculty star Inside Higher Education, November 18 This is an article about three different lecturers in three different universities...

Canadian Internet Use, 2009

Statistics Canada (2010) Canadian Internet Use Survey Ottawa: Statistics Canada From the report In 2009, 80% of Canadians aged 16 and older, or 21.7 million people, used the Internet...

Canada’s digital divide and its implications for other countries

Marlow, I. and McNish, J. (2010) Canada's Digital Divide, The Globe and Mail, April 3 For those of you who don't read Toronto's national newspaper,...

Can web 2.0 tools be legally used for education in Canada?

I raise this as a result of an interesting question from Ron Richard,of Meritus University, Canada. Ron asked Tony Vincent, who runs the excellent...

Recurring Issues Encountered by Distance Educators in Developing and Emerging Nations

Wright, C., Dhanarajan, G. and Reju, S. (2009) Recurring Issues Encountered by Distance Educators in Developing and Emerging Nations IRRODL, Vol. 10, No. 1 I...

Who controls the Internet?

Carter, D. (2009) FCC Moves Closer to Net Neutrality eSchool News, October 23 This article raises a critical question for the future of online learning....