Thursday, March 13, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Update on online learning in Africa

Anderson, M. (2015) Out of Africa: e-learning makes further education a reality for tens of thousands The Guardian, May 20 The opening this week of the...

UBC develops an institutional strategy for learning technologies

Bates, S. et al. (2015) UBC’s Learning Technology Ecosystem: Developing a Shared Vision, Blueprint & Roadmap Vancouver BC: University of British Columbia I've not been...

Educational technology 30 years on: why hasn’t education changed much?

Bates, A.W. (ed.) (1984) The Role of Technology in Distance Education London/New York: Routledge/Taylor and Francis For some inexplicable reason, Routledge, of the publishing group Taylor...

Transforming university teaching and learning: UBC’s strategy for flexible learning

Flexible Learning Implementation Team (2014) Flexible Learning - Charting a Strategic Vision for UBC (Vancouver Campus. Vancouver BC: Office of the Provost, University of British...

Kuali Foundation goes commercial

Straumsheim, C. (2014) Kuali Foundation: If you can't beat them....., Inside Higher Education, August 25 While there are several providers of open source learning management...

What do Boards of Governors need to know about online learning?

CUBA I was in Ottawa on Friday, attending the Canadian Universities Boards of Governors Association annual conference (CUBA). Boards of Governors at universities, at least in...

Is Athabasca University moving away from tutoring?

Nolais, J. (2014) Concerns dialed up over ‘call-centre model’ at Alberta’s Athabasca University Metro: Calgary, January 27 More signs of trouble at 'Canada's Open University', as...

Leadership in open and distance education universities

 The conference For 20 years, the Standing Committee of Presidents (SCOP) of the members of the International Council of Distance Education (ICDE) has provided a...

A JISC guide to improving curriculum design

Knight, S. and Smith, R. (2013) Using technology to improve curriculum design Sheffield UK: JISC This very useful paper is about how to develop well-designed...

How online learning is going to affect classroom design

I have an unusual occupation. A couple of weeks ago I attended a meeting in an office furniture warehouse in a small industrial park...