Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

(Almost) free books on online learning

I did a big clear-out over the holiday period and found a whole batch of brand new printed copies of three of my books....

Québec’s Téluq in trouble

Téluq (the Télé-université within the Université du Québec System) has for many years been a major provider of university-level distance education courses for francophones. Last...

Why is innovation in teaching in higher education so difficult? 2. Legacy systems

  In my first post in this series, I looked at the role of accreditation agencies in blocking innovation. I suggested that while they may...

Woolf University: the Airbnb of higher education or a sheep in wolf’s clothing?

Broggi, J.D. et al. (2018) Building the first blockchain university, Oxford UK, April 3 You are going to hear a lot about Woolf University over...

Athabasca University’s Centre for Distance Education to close

The news As my mother used to say when she had the goods on me, 'A little birdie told me...'. Well, a (different) little birdie...

Should online learning strategy be decided centrally?

Kim, J. (2018) Looking at the Future of Online learning through an Institutional Lens, Inside Higher Education, February 19 This is an excellent article that...

One reason we are not getting enough engineers in Canada: the professional associations

From nearly 2,500 posts over nine years, none has generated so many comments as Can you teach 'real' engineering at a distance?  What you will see...

Is there light at the end of the tunnel for Athabasca University?

Climenhaga, D. (2017) Athabasca U’s future seems brighter as Saskatchewan prof named to conduct sustainability review Albertapolitics.ca, January 19 Climenhaga, D. (2016) Alberta Government names five new...

Who are the founding fathers of distance education?

Steve Wheeler interviewed three old guys, Michael Moore, Sir John Daniel and myself, at the EDEN conference in Budapest this summer, and has posted...

Welcome back and what you may have missed in online learning over the summer

I hope you all had a great summer break and have come back fully charged for another always challenging year in teaching. I thought...