Saturday, March 29, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord
The Distributed University - Richard Heller

Book Review: Richard Heller’s ‘The Distributed University for Sustainable Higher Education’

Heller, R. (2022) The Distributed University for Sustainable Higher Education SpringerBriefs in Education: Singapore Good news: this is an open access book. The second good...
Western University campus, Ontario

Do we need a new type of Higher Education institution?

I want to ask the question: are our current institutional models – universities, polytechnics, colleges – fit for purpose in the 21st century, or...
Image of a large, imaginary animal

What are the main issues facing digital learning in the future?

I'm coming up to my 84th birthday next month, and once again I am considering my future work, if any. This has resulted in...

Two useful briefings on generative AI: and why it is potentially dangerous for public...

Davis, V.L. (2023) WCET Primer for Higher Education: General Brief on Generative AI Boulder, CO: WCET If you are not a member of WCET, I...

My five wishes for online learning in 2023: and why they ain’t going to...

Bates, T. (2023) My five wishes for online learning in 2023, January 3. I was asked by Contact North to lay out my five wishes for...
Painting of a cat

WCET is taking a deep dive into AI and its impact on higher education:...

Davis, V. (2023) Is AI the New Homework Machine? Understanding AI and Its Impact on Higher Education WCET Frontiers January 5 This is an excellent introduction both...

Third edition of Teaching at a Distance is now published

The third edition of Teaching in a Digital Age is now available from here: I have exported in several formats and made it public....

British Columbia drafts a digital learning strategy for its post-secondary education sector

What is the intent? On June 8, 2022, the Digital Learning Advisory Committee (convened by the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training)...

The role of open universities post-Covid

0 Anadolu University Anadolu University in Turkey is nominated by the Turkish Higher Degree Act of 1981 as the national provider of distance education.  Enrollment in...

Webinar: What is Online Learning Post-Pandemic?

What As organizations and institutions look forward to post-pandemic offerings, many are examining to what degree online learning will factor into their daily operations as...