Information-rich and attention-poor
Nicholson, P. (2009) Information-rich and attention-poor Globe and Mail, September 12
In one of Canada's national newspapers, the Globe and Mail, Peter Nicholson, the President...
Review: The Edgeless University: Why Higher Education Must Embrace Technology
Bradwell, P. (2009) The Edgeless University London UK: Demos
This short publication from the British research group Demos opens with a major challenge:
'Until now, investment...
Reforming the higher education system in the USA
Zemsky, R. (2009) Making Reform Work: The Case for Transforming American Higher Education Chapel Hill NC: Rutgers University Press
Zemsky says that this is the...
The growth of local, blended online learning
Parry, M. (2009) They Thought Globally, but Now Colleges Push Online Programs Locally Chronicle of Higher Education, July 10
This article discusses how state-funded universities...
Hacking education: Google U
Jarvis, J. (2009) Hacking Education: Google U Buzz Machine March 6
A blog on what university education could look like in the future.
Thanks to Jen...
Questions on the future of information and communications technologies in higher education
Over the next month, I will be doing several blogs around topics prompted by three books that look very different, but each of which...
Review of: Katz, R. et al. (2008) The Tower and the Cloud
Review of: Katz, R. et al. (2008) The Tower and the Cloud: Higher Education in the Age of Cloud Computing Boulder CO: EDUCAUSE, available...
The Future of the Internet III
Anderson, J. and Rainie, L. (2008) The Future of the Internet III Pew Internet & American Life Project
A survey of internet leaders, activists and...
Poll: Economic Crisis Boosts E-Learning
According to an impromptu survey undertaken by Online Educa Berlin: 'The world’s present economic woes are opening up new opportunities for innovative forms...
The Future of Higher Education: How Technology will Shape Learning
Economist Intelligence Unit (2008) "The Future of Higher Education: How Technology will Shape Learning"
The NMC, in conjunction with the Economist Magazine and in collaboration...