Saturday, February 22, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

The Horizon 2010 report on emerging technologies for education

Johnson, L., Levine, A., Smith, R., & Stone, S. (2010). The 2010 Horizon Report. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium The New Media Consortium's annual...

Disruptive innovation and the HE system

Hampson, K. (2010) Great Quotes (#2) Disruptive Innovation Higher Education Management Group, January 17 Keith Hampson's excellent blog provides a good discussion and some valuable...

Great expectations for e-learning in 2010

In the Globe and Mail on December 19, Leah McLaren wrote: 'We are living in an Era of Perpetual Advice - and almost none of...

Graveyard welding classes

Moltz, D. (2009) In the midnight hour Inside Higher Education, December 9 This article describes midnight courses for welders at an Oregon community college. Although...

Call for action on open education from NMC and the Open University of Catalonia

A communiqué has just been released about the outcome of the Open Ed Tech conference held jointly by NMC and UOC in Barcelona October...

Continued growth forecast for US HE online enrolments

The following report suggests that by 2014, the majority of students will be taking courses fully online rather than on campus Ambient Insight Research (2009)...

A vision for the future: Using technology to improve the cost-effectiveness of the academy:...

Identifying the problem with higher education in the 21st was the easy part (Using technology to improve the cost-effectiveness of the academy: Part 1)....

Using technology to improve the cost-effectiveness of the academy: Part 1

Is e-learning failing in higher education? In previous blogs, I have discussed whether e-learning is failing in higher education. To answer the question, I have...

Higher education students in the USA in 2018

Hussar, W. and Bailey, T. (2009) Projections of education statistics to 2018 US Department of Education National Center for Educational Statistics: Washington DC The education...

Aggressive Plan for State Data Systems

Lederman, D. (2009) Aggressive Plan for State Data Systems Inside Higher Education, September 28 This article discusses moves by the U.S. Congress and Senate to...