The future of universities: research or teaching?
Daniel, J. and Uvalic-Trumbic, S. (2011) Will higher education split? CoL Blog, February 10
In this very interesting blog, Sir John Daniel of the Commonwealth...
What can the public sector learn from the for-profits?
Wood, P. (2011) For-profits break the monopoly on what college can be Chronicle of Higher Education, January 11
A thoughtful article on the pros and...
e-learning outlook for 2011
What's in my crystal ball for e-learning in 2011? (For how well I did in my predictions for 2010, see e-learning retrospective - how...
Consolidation in the e-learning market? Why it ain’t going to be easy
A couple of items crossed my desk recently that suggests that the e-learning market is ripe for mergers and acquisitions. See for instance:
Kim, J....
‘The notion of class time as separate from non-class time will vanish’
This is one of 20 predictions from the editors of the Futurist magazine.
'Each year since 1985, the editors of THE FUTURIST have selected the...
Signs of revolution in Britain and what it might mean for us in North...
It's worth watching carefully what is happening in Britain with university education. As part of its austerity program, the British Conservative-Liberal-Democrat coalition govt is...
A vision for course management systems
Mazar, R. (2010) Episode 3: campus courseware University Affairs, November 8
Rochelle Mazar, an Emerging Technologies Librarian at the University of Toronto Mississauga, provides in...
Innovative thinking about learning from the corporate sector
Paine, N. and Masie, E. (2010) Learning Perspectives 2010 Saratoga Springs NY: The Masie Center and the Learning Consortium
This is a collection of contributions...
Reforming the university: evolution or revolution?
Who will bring about change?
In reviewing Ehlers and Schneckenberg's 'Changing Cultures in Higher Education', I began to wonder if or how the modern university...
Book review: Changing Cultures in Higher Education
Ehlers, U-D. and Schneckenberg, D. (eds. ) Changing Cultures in Higher Education: Moving Ahead to Future Learning Heidelberg/London/New York: Springer, 610 pp, US$129.00
What the...