Sunday, February 23, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

Mexico’s new President proposes a national online university

Long, C. (2012) President-elect plans to grow university enrolment by 50% University World News, July 29 Mexico's President-Elect, Enrique Peña Nieto, who takes office on December...

The impact of online learning on the future of higher education: a response to...

Anderson, J., Boyles, J., and Rainie, L. (2012) The Future Impact of the Internet on Higher Education Washington DC: The Pew Research Center’s Internet...

Ontario students respond to Minister’s discussion paper

OUSA (2012) Educated Reform: Striving for Higher Quality of Education at Ontario's Universities Toronto ON: Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance Ontario (2012) Strengthening Ontario’s Centres of Creativity,...

Is online learning really cracking open the public post-secondary system?

I suspect that I'm not the only one who has been 'disengaged' from the online world of online learning for the past few weeks,...

A new blended model for a for-profit/not-for-profit college aimed at Latinos in the USA

Fain, P. (2012) New college, new model, Inside Higher Education, May 7 This is a nugget for those interested in new business models for universities. Ameritas,...

Study on barriers to online learning in traditional universities and colleges – not

Bacow, L. et al. (2012) Barriers to Adoption of Online Learning Systems in U.S. Higher Education New York: Ithaka Purpose of the study The purpose of this...

Harvard joins the MITx project

Lavoie, D. (2012) EdX Online Learning Project Announced By Harvard, MIT Huffington Post, May 2 Harvard University has joined the MITx project, now renamed edEX, supported...

Roundup of news on online developments in US higher education

Having been on the road for the last two weeks, I've accumulated a backlog of material for the blog. Here I'm providing a very...

MIT to develop new Open Learning Enterprise unit for online learning

Reif, L. (2012) Letter to the community on appointment of Open Learning Enterprise director MIT News, March 16 News Office (2012) Anant Agarwal named director of new...

Are cyber charter schools giving online learning a bad name?

This is at the moment a peculiarly United States of America debate, but it is almost certain to spill over into other countries. This...