Thursday, February 27, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

New book on virtual campuses worldwide

Schreurs, B. (ed.) (2010) Reviewing the Virtual Campus Phenomenon Heverlee Belgium: Europace This book is essential reading for any student wishing to do research on...

The online higher education market in the USA

Garrett, R. (2009) Online Higher Education Market Update Boston MA: Eduventures Inc. This post is an expansion of an earlier post 'For-profits increase market share...

A personal view of e-learning at the University of British Columbia

The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (home of OLT) It's now seven years since I resigned as Director of Distance Education and Technology at UBC,...

Online education continues its hot pace

Allen, I. and Seaman, J. (2010) Learning on Demand: Online Education in the United States Babson Park MA: Babson College Survey Research Group The Sloan...

More pressure on Canadian universities as enrolments increase

Canadian Press (2009) University enrolment up, as grads return to school Macleans Oncampus, October 26 University enrolments in Canada for the 2009-2010 academic year were...

For-profits increase market share of online learning

Parry, M. (2009) For-Profits Gobble Up More of Online Market Amid Recession Chronicle of Higher Education, December 18. A recent report by Eduventures claims that...

The state of e-learning 2009

It's that time of year again. Here's a personal look back at e-learning in 2009 (I will do another blog on priorities for Canadian...

Ranking educational innovation

Center for American Progress (2009) Interactive Map: Leaders and Laggards: A State-By-State Report Card of Educational Innovation Washington DC: Center for American Progress For those...

Low use of web 2.0 in e-learning

Parry, M. (2009) Online Programs: Profits Are There, Technological Innovation Is Not Chronicle of Higher Education, October 19 A news report of a study by...

Social networking in two year colleges in the USA

Marklein, M. B. (2009) Social networks could help community college students USA Today, November 16 This is a news report on a study just released...