CVU’s report on the state of online university education in Canada: first heal thyself
Canadian Virtual University (2012) Online University Education in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities Athabasca University AB: Canadian Virtual University.
The report was commissioned by the Canadian Federal...
e-learning outlook for 2012: will it be a rough ride?
© Firehorse Blog, 2012
Another year, and online learning, e-learning, learning technologies, educational technologies, digital learning, or whatever you call it or them, will continue...
E-learning in 2011: a retrospective
'That was the year that was, it's over, let it go...', as the old song says. But before it does go, let's look back...
For-profit online enrollments down in 2011
Fain, P. (2011) More selective for-profits Inside Higher Education, November 11
One major factor in the slow down in online enrollments overall in 2011 in...
Online enrollments in the USA grow 10% in 2011; OERs becoming accepted
Allen, I. and Seaman, J. (2011) Going the Distance: Online Education in the USA 2011 Wellesley MA: Babson Survey Research Group
This is the latest...
Key points from OECD’s 2011 ‘Education at a Glance’
OECD (2011) Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators Paris: OECD
For those of you interested in educational statistics (and for masochists in general), here's your...
Book review: Ross Paul’s ‘Leadership Under Fire’
15 Canadian university presidents en route for India, 2011
Paul, R. (2011) Leadership Under Fire: The Challenging Role of the Canadian University President Montreal &...
Journal edition on distance education and e-learning in Africa
Distance Education, Vol. 32, No. 2, August 2011
This edition, edited by Neil Butcher, Colin Latchem, Monica Mawayo and Lisbeth Levey, is focused on distance...
Why the current professional development model is broken
The faculty development workshops and conferences have ended, and most faculty and instructors have headed off for a well earned vacation. Many thousands will...
Trends in Canadian higher education
AUCC (2011) Trends in Higher Education: Vol. 1, Enrolment Ottawa: AUCC
This publication of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada is packed full...