Friday, February 28, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

More for Less: Costs of post-secondary education (USA)

Stripling, J. (2009) 'More for Less', Inside Higher Education, Jan 15 For the full report on which this article is based go to: Wellman, J....

Trends in college spending, 2009

Wellman, J. et al. (2009) Trends in College Spending Washington DC: Delta Project on Postsecondary Education Costs, Productivity and Accountability A detailed analysis of costs...

Re-designing large courses: the NCAT model

For many years, the National Center for Academic Transformation, under the leadership of Carol Twigg, has been working with US universities on the re-design...

Evaluating and planning e-learning: the TLT Group

Two of the USA's leading authorities on e-learning, Steve Ehrmann and Steve Gilbert, are behind the TLT Group, a non-profit organization that specializes in...

Laptops or desktops for developing countries?

From e-learning Africa 2009 news, 19 December 2008: For an interesting article on the relative costs of lap-tops and desk-tops for schools in Africa, click...

Poll: Economic Crisis Boosts E-Learning

According to an impromptu survey undertaken by Online Educa Berlin: 'The world’s present economic woes are opening up new opportunities for innovative forms...

Cost-efficiencies in Online Learning

Katrina A. Meyer (2006) Cost-Efficiencies in Online Learning: ASHE Higher Education Report, Volume 32, Number 1 San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

‘Nonprofit’ Does NOT Mean ‘Lose Money

Ewell, C. and Moore, K. (2008) ‘Nonprofit’ Does NOT Mean ‘Lose Money' Montreal: SCUP Annual conference An interesting report on a study that compared the...

A system-level comparison of cost-efficiency and return on investment related to online course delivery

Ramage, T. R. (2003). A system-level comparison of cost-efficiency and return on investment related to online course delivery. Doctoral dissertation, Fischler School of Education...

The Cost/Price Paradox

Heterick, B. and Twigg, C. (2001) ‘The Cost/Price Paradox’ The Learning MarketSpace, 1 December 2001