Monday, March 10, 2025
Online Learning and Distance Education Resources — Moderated by Tony Bates, Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord

The case for for-profit colleges

Keith Hampson's Higher Education Management Group blog, "And now, we hear from the defense." (For-Profit Higher Education) brings together some of the arguments for...

Why college education costs so much in the USA

Archibald, R. and Feldman, D. (2010) Why does college cost so much? Forbes, August 11 If you can fight your way past the really annoying...

Comparing apples with oranges: online vs face-to-face learning in community colleges

Smith Jaggars, S. and Bailey, T. (2010) Effectiveness of Fully Online Courses for College Students: Response to a Department of Education Meta-Analysis New...

Some pros and cons of outsourcing online education

Parry, M. (2010) Outsourced Ed: Colleges Hire Companies to Build Their Online Courses Chronicle of Higher Education, July 18 This article suggests a change in...

The need for new business models for e-learning

Keith Hampson's Higher Education Management Group's blog has an interesting post by Keith about the need for new business models in higher education, includes...

Strategic thinking about e-learning

On Monday and Tuesday this week (June 7 and 8) I attended the BC Educational Technology Users Group Spring Workshop at the University of...

Where do the resources for technology-based teaching come from?

In an earlier blog, Struggling with Costs of Teaching in Higher Education, I complained about the lack of research into the costs of teaching,...

A marketer’s view of higher education in the USA

For those of you not familiar with Seth Godin's excellent blog on marketing, take a look at his latest blog: The coming melt-down in higher...

My thoughts on managing technology in universities

One of my favourite web sites is Keith Hampson's Higher Education Management Group. It was therefore an honour for me to be invited to be...

Using business intelligence tools at Florida State University

Schaffhauser, D. (21010) Florida State U Transforms Reporting with Business Intelligence Campus Technology, April 26 This article shows how business intelligence (BI) tools have been...