Teaching large lecture classes online in the fall?
Getting ready for the fall
In many countries, including Canada, it is expected that most people will be vaccinated by September. Thus many students are...
Bridging the Digital Dive: 2: Technology inequities and solutions
McKenzie, L. (2021) Bridging the Digital Divide: Lessons from Covid-19 Washington DC: Inside Higher Education, February 2, 27 pp
This is the second post in...
Bridging the digital divide in higher education: 1: from a business perspective
Goldrick-Rab. S. et al. (2020) #RealCollege During the Pandemic The Hope Centre for College, Community and Justice Philadelphia: Temple University, June, pp. 22
Wasik, E....
Five free keynotes on online learning for streaming into virtual conferences
Sleepless nights and global learning
I received many requests last year to deliver keynotes into virtual conferences. These requests came from all around the world....
Online learning in (k-12) schools: 7. Advice for decision-makers
This is the seventh and last in a series of posts on online learning in the (k-12) school sector.
The first is: What needs to be...
Online learning and (k-12) schools: creating an appropriate culture of learning online
This is the fifth in a series of posts on online learning in the (k-12) school sector.
The first is: What needs to be done about...
How to address the skills agenda in higher education: a German perspective
Ehlers, U-D. (2020) Future Skills: the future of learning and higher education Karlsruhe, Germany: Herstellung und Verlag, pp. 311
What is this book about?
This free,...
Developing digital literacy for a digital world: a Québec report
Conseil supérieur de l’éducation (2020). Éduquer au numérique, Rapport sur l’état et les besoins de l’éducation 2018-2020, Québec, Le Conseil, 96 p.
In November, in...
Digital Learning and Faculty Development: a review of Canadian practice
Van Leeuwen, C., Veletsianos, G., Belikov, O, and Johnson, N. (2020) Institutional Perspectives on Faculty Development for Digital Education in Canada Canadian Journal of...
Online learning and law schools during the pandemic
Thomson Reuters Institute (2020) Law Schools and the Global Pandemic Thomson Reuters (no date: report accessed December 19), pp.16
Holiday reading (for me)
I'm going to...